12 Jul 2021

APEAL position paper on the review of the Packaging and Packaging Waste directive (PPWD)

In 2020, the European Commission adopted the new circular economy action plan (CEAP) . It is one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth which APEAL fully supports.

The CEAP states that the amount of materials used for packaging is growing continuously.

As APEAL, we recognise the need to make all packaging put on the market either recyclable or reusable. Reinforcing the Essential Requirements in Directive 94/62/EC (Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive)  is therefore fundamental.

In addition to  participating in the recent workshops organised by the European Commission’s DG Environment, the steel for packaging sector is pleased to provide some additional input to the draft Impact Assessment which is currently being prepared by the European Commission service with support from Eunomia and other consultants.

European Commission-website: A new Circular Economy Action Plan