Data Room


Steel Packaging Facts


Steel is used to pack more than 1500 food and drink items as well as paint, health and beauty products and household products.

Source: CMI Institute


of UK households

99.4% of UK households buy canned food each year.

Source: Kantar


If everyone in UK recycled one empty can of air freshener, enough energy could be saved to run a TV in 273000 homes for a year.

Source: Recycle Now

In 2019, the highest levels of canned food per capita consumption was registered in Ireland (40 kg per person), followed by the Netherlands (9.33 kg per person), France (5.78 kg per person) and Germany (5.43 kg per person), while the world average per capita consumption of canned food was estimated at 4.65 kg per person.

Source: Acumen Research & Consulting


food market

The EU canned food market increased by 3.6% to 7.7B in 2019.

Source: Global Trade Magazine

food cans

About 25 billion food cans are produced and filled in Europe per annum

Source: Science Direct

of lycopene

1 cup of canned tomatoes has 6641 mcg of lycopene compared to 4630 mcg in 1 cup of fresh tomatoes

Source: Cheerful Choices

Steel Facts


Each tonne of steel that’s recycled saves over 2 tonnes of raw materials.

Source: Worldsteel


Each item of recycled steel saves one and half times its weight in C02.

Source: Recyling International


of energy

Recycling steel saves up to 70% of the energy needed to make steel with raw materials.

Source: European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform


still in use

Worldsteel estimates that 75% of steel products ever made are still in use today.

Source: Worldsteel

tonnes of scrap

56% of EU steel is made from scrap, with around 100 million tonnes of scrap steel recycled every year.

Source: Eurofer

Food Waste Facts

lost or wasted

Roughly 1/3 of the food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted.

Source: FAO

tonnes of food

Around 1.3 billion tonnes of food – costing the global economy close to $940 billion – is wasted each year.

Source: United Nations

per person

In the EU, almost 59 million tonnes of food is wasted every year. This equals 131 kg of waste per person in a year.

Source: Eurostat


of global green gas emissions

Food waste alone generates about 8% – 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Source: United Nations


If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitting country in the world. In other words: food waste emits more greenhouse gases than all single countries in the world except China and the US.

Source: FAO


used for wasted food

Around 1.4 billion hectares of agricultural land is used to produce food that is lost or wasted. That’s 28% of the world’s total agricultural area.

Source: FAO


An area the size of the US, India, and Egypt combined is used to grow food that is never eaten.

Source: The World Counts

food waste value

Besides the environmental effect of food waste, there are also economic consequences. The UN estimates the direct economic consequences of food waste to $750 billion yearly. And that’s even excluding fish and seafood. Counting fish & seafood the number is close to $1 trillion.

Source: FAO


of freshwater

Taking into account all the resources used to grow food, food waste uses up to 21% of freshwater, 19% of fertilisers, 18% of cropland, and 21% of landfill volume.


greenhouse emissions

Food loss and waste account for about 4.4 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

Source: Environmental Protection Agency


root crops, fruits and vegetables

Breaking it down by food group, losses, and waste per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops and fruit and vegetables, 20% for oil seed and meat and dairy, and 35% for fish.



If 25% of the food currently being lost or wasted globally was saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million people around the world.



of fish are discarded

In Europe, 40-60% of fish caught are discarded because they do not meet supermarket quality standards.



of global green gas emissions

Up to 10% of global greenhouse gases comes from food that is produced, but not eaten. Wasting food is worse than total emissions from flying (1.9%), plastic production (3.8%) and oil extraction (3.8%).

Source: National Retail Association


of fruit and vegetables are wasted

Almost half of all fruit and vegetables produced are wasted (that’s 3.7 trillion apples).

Source: WWF

In Depth Data 

Packaging waste, EU, 2010 – 2021

Recovery and recycling rate of packaging waste, 2021 (%)

Note: ranked according to the recycling rate
(1) Eurostat estimates.
(2) 2020
(3) 2019
Source: Eurostat (online data code: env_waspac)

Recycling rate of packaging waste, 2021 (%)

Note: ranked according to the recycling rate
(1) Eurostat estimates.
(2) 2020
(3) 2019
Source: Eurostat (online data code: env_waspac)

Food waste in the EU by main economic sectors, 2021

per inhabitant

Due to roundings, the sum of the values for the categories does not match the total
Source: Eurostat (online data code: env_wasfw)

Relation between CO2 emissions and recycling rate