28 Jan 2014
Strong Steel for Packaging presence at Interpack 2014 – APEAL to host own stand
APEAL will host a dedicated ‘Steel for Packaging’ stand for the first time at the forthcoming Interpack show in Düsseldorf, 8th - 14thMay 2014.
APEAL will be located at s...
13 Dec 2013
APEAL discusses the benefits of greater steel recycling in the press this week
"Recycling Waste World" highlights the recycling credentials of steel packaging and the potential savings in emissions, resource use and energy to be gained from boosting recycling in the UK.
08 Nov 2013
A lightweight steel can is “The Canmaker”s 2013 Can of the Year
The lightweight food can that is 15 percent lighter than conventional two-piece cans, shows how steel can inspire ever-greater innovation and resource efficiency, whilst still retaining material stren...
14 Oct 2013
“Packaging can have a direct positive effect on resource efficiency” says EU Commissioner
The direct positive effect of packaging on resource efficiency was outlined by EU Commissioner Janez Potocnik during the remarks that opened the 20th anniversary of EUROPEN (The European Or...
08 Oct 2013
APEAL to speak at the forthcoming Canmaker Summit
Stefan Landesz , Marketing Director of TataSteel and Board member of APEAL, will represent APEAL at the Canmaker Summit in Edinburgh next month, speaking on the 7 reasons to take a fresh look at the s...
04 Oct 2013
UN rewards resource efficiency leadership of Commissioner Potočnik
EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, supporter of the 2012 debate “Metal’s contribution to a resource efficient Europe. What is more sustainable than permanent?” featuring APEAL and indu...
26 Sep 2013
More food for thought, from UNEP
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) focuses its annual children's painting competition on the need to save food.
More information here.
Revisit the "Steel for Packaging Update" interview...
23 Sep 2013
Food for thought
As a new FAO report details the staggering harm food waste makes to climate, water, land and biodiversity, the latest Steel for Packaging Update demonstrates how the can has an important role to play...
12 Sep 2013
Steel beverage can recycling reaches 89,4% in Spain
Latas de Bebidas, the Spanish canmakers association, has reported impressive beverage can recycling results in Spain.
A total of 6 000 million metal cans (steel and aluminium) were recycled in 2012...
06 Sep 2013
APEAL supports review of European Packaging and Packaging Waste directive
The European Commission has begun the consultation process for an amendment that aims to apply in 2014. With 74% of Steel for Packaging already recycled in Europe, APEAL welcomes the review and looks...
12 Aug 2013
Eat. Think. Recycle.
Europe has taken yet another step in the direction of a truly recycling society. The latest figures from APEAL, verified by an independant third party, show that European households recycled more stee...
22 Jul 2013
Steel packaging designs win awards
With new embossing, shaping and printing techniques today’s steel packaging designers are pushing back technical limits and providing their customers with endless possibilities for product different...
09 Jul 2013
“Green credentials” of steel packaging for the 5 billion aerosol cans produced per year in Europe
A recent article from Crown Aerosols Europe highlights the advantages of steel for aerosols, and how the 100% recyclability of steel enables it to ride the "green wave" currently driving consumer purc...
05 Jul 2013
Steel’s “green credentials” were one takeaway for participants at the Euro CanTech conference in Birmingham last week
Alexander Mohr, Secretary General of APEAL, underlined the sustainability credentials of steel and the 74% recycling rate of steel packaging, during his keynote presentation.
Read more here...
28 Jun 2013
“Not only recyclable, but also actually recycled”, comments Arno Melchior of Reckitt Benckiser about steel packaging
Reckitt Benckiser's Global Packaging Director underlines the key sustainability and supply chain benefits of Steel for Packaging in an exclusive interview for "Steel for Packaging Update"...
10 Jun 2013
Alexander Mohr, APEAL Secretary General, is featured in the latest edition of CanTech International
Alexander Mohr discusses the sustainability advantages of Steel for Packaging, the positive reputation of APEAL as the reference of Steel for Packaging in Europe, the importance of the upcoming Packag...
07 Jun 2013
Alexander Mohr is appointed Secretary General of APEAL
Alexander Mohr joined APEAL in 2012 as Director External Affairs.
“Apeal has an excellent reputation, both for providing high quality information to EU stakeholders and for its openly transparent...
21 May 2013
New record for steel packaging recycling is reached in Europe
APEAL (the Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging) releases the latest European steel recycling figures. In 2011, 2.6 million tonnes of steel packaging were recycled to make new stee...
25 Apr 2013
UK Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association and the BBC celebrate 200 years of the can
The UK Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association (MPMA) has joined forces with the BBC to help produce two videos which mark the 200th anniversary of the can this year: How the first ti...
28 Feb 2013
The carbon footprint of the 3-piece 425 ml food can dropped 30% between 2000-2010, states Empac, the European metal packaging association.
The reduced CO2 footprint is due to increased steel recycling rates (44% improvement since 2000) and a decrease in average can weight....
31 Jan 2013
Wanted! “Steel in your life” photos for industry competition
Steel is one of the world's most innovative materials, with thousands of different uses aside from packaging.
Worldsteel is holding the first steel photo competition to showcase how steel is all ar...
21 Jan 2013
Steel’s impact on the world features in a new book and microsite
The World Steel Association (worldsteel) has published 'The white book of steel', an informative and entertaining look at steel’s enormous impact on the history of mankind, and the role that it is s...
15 Jan 2013
APEAL supports the worldsteel twitter debate on 18 January. Follow #steeldebate
Join @worldsteel's #steeldebate this 18th January, at 14.00 GMT, on Steel: The Next Hero – Looking to the future
A high-profile panel of respected and influential figures in the industr...
20 Dec 2012
APEAL is offering an internship in Brussels
APEAL is looking to recruit an intern for its European office in Brussels....